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European 4 in 1 (E4-1)

Weave Description
European 4 in 1 is one of the most popular chainmail weaves known to mankind. It is what a lot of armour from the European middle ages was made out of. It is very easy to learn and is a versatile fabric weave that can be used to make things like shirts, coifs, dicebags, and inlays.

The sample displayed uses stainless steel rings made from .063" (1.60mm / 16 SWG) wire wrapped on 5/16" (7.94mm) mandrel. With a measured ID of .346" (8.79mm) these rings bear an AR of 5.5.

An AR of 2.9 is the minimum for E4-1. An AR of 3.0 is ideal for structural applications such as basketry. Inlays can be done in any AR possible with this weave, but are best done in the three to four range so they look less open. As a fabric, the maille maker will have to find a ring size that provides the desired openness and flexibility of the weave. Shirts, coifs, and other clothing items are generally made in the four to six range. Welded/riveted rings allow for higher AR's while maintaining good strength.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Sheet, Alpha, Beginner

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European 4 in 1 - How I Do It
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