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Euro 4-1 Contraction
Article © MAIL User: Phong

Expansions and contractions are useful when you want to tailor maille for garments, or any time you want to change the width of the maille patch without putting in a seam. There are two types of expansions/contractions: column and row. Column contractions will make the patch thinner as you go up and down (presuming the maille is hanging the 'right way') and row contractions will make the patch thinner as you go from side to side (again, presuming the maile is hanging the 'right way'). Column contractions are much more common and much easier to do. This tutorial is for a column contraction. European 4 in 1 can be made with AR's down to AR of 3. However, in order for there to be enough room to make a contraction, the AR should be AR of 3.8 or above.

Step 1: Make a patch of E4-1.

Image: cont01.jpg

Step 2: At the point where you want the contraction, pass an open ring through 3 rings, instead of the usual 2.

Image: cont02.jpg

Step 3: Fill in the rest of the row as usual.

Image: cont03.jpg

Step 4: Fill in the rest of the patch as usual.

Image: cont04.jpg
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