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Weave Description
Weave has a vine look in the middle. It looks different in the other side.

AR for single sized piece (3 pcs on left): 4,2. Made fm 1,2 mm wire and inner dia is 5.

AR for two sized pieces (two color pieces on right in the picture) inner rings 3 and for outer rings 4.

1,0 mm wire: ID 3 mm for inner rings, 4 mm for outer rings.
1.2 mm wire: ID 3,75 and and 5 mm.
1,5 mm wire: ID 4,5 and 6 mm.

Smaller inner rings are not linked to other small rings - only to large rings. Large rings are not linked to each other - only to small rings.

[Topic of 2nd Quarter 2018 weave study]

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Persian, Chain, Variant

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