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T Clasp
Article © MAIL User: Valacia


This is a simple clasp that I call the T-Clasp. I found it to be a very useful clasp with all kinds of larger bits of chainmail such as large bracelets, shirts, and mantles. Its shape makes it quick and easy to hold anything together and it also looks fashionable. I will begin with step 1.

Step 1 : Find two medium-sized lengths of wire that you want to use. I recommend using around an 8 to 10 inch length of wire.

Step 2 : To make the hook part of the clasp, take one piece of wire and bend it in half. Don't press the two pieces of wire together as this is where the T-portion will fit through. Curl the bent part of the wire to make a small hook. Next, wrap the opposite end of the wire around a dowel, a pen or whatever object you have that is round, to make two circles. Cut off the excess wire and bend the circles outward.
Image: valclasp1.jpg
Step 3 : To make the T-part of the clasp, you start with a piece of wire a little longer than the other wire you used for the hook portion. Bend two 90 degree angles in the middle of the wire so that you have half of a rectangle. Bend the wire the opposite direction towards the middle of the rectangle and clamp the end down so the wires are together. Repeat the same process for the other corner of the rectangle. Finally, curl the edges around into a circle and face them out like you did with the hook part of the clasp and cut off the excess wire.
Image: valclasp2.jpg

Step 4 : To use the clasp, simply attach the two circles to any place you want, like you would two regular rings of chainmail. Slip the T side underneath and through the middle of the hook portion of the clasp and then slip the other side through and it will hold itself together as shown in the picture.
Image: valclasp3.jpg
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