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Solar Eclipse

Weave Description
Ring sizes used: Small- 18ga 3/16" ID
Medium- 16ga 1/4" ID
Large- 16ga 5/16" ID
Sweetpea and Fleur-de-lis are both very similar. Sweetpea though is only held together at its weakest point by one ring. And in Fleur-de-lis's tutorial step 4, both rings pass through the eye formed by the staggered triplet. In Solar Eclipse the large ring passes through the eye and the medium ring passes through the middle ring of the staggered triplet, but not through the eye. In addition, in Fleur-de-lis's tutorial step 4 you can see the clusters being formed and then joined together with two rings. In Solar Eclipse this step does not exist. Instead the use of different sized rings lends itself to the next cluster with these differences taken into consideration it could be seen as a new weave.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Persian, Chain, Variant, Helm

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