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True Persian 12-1 Solid

Weave Description
This weave is the ultimate incarnation of the Persian family. Every ring makes a Persian connection, and it is infinitely expandable in all three dimensions, resulting in a stiff 12-1 solid block. It also has no predefined top side. This piece is three layers high. It pyramids upward, the first two rows are three chains (six grains) wide; the bottom does not have down facing grains on it as would be expected for true pyramid effect. The bottom two sheet layers are six rings long, the top is four because I ran out of rings and it's VERY difficult to construct. This piece is 16g 3/8 stainless, AR around 6.3.

The basis for this weave is One and a Half Persian
It also can be thought of as many Hilt Chains woven together.
This is not the same as Half Persian 3:1/6:1/9:1

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Persian, 3D, Variant

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