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Pasta Strainer

Weave Description
European/Japanese hybrid made out of 16ga galvy 3/8" rings and some welding wire that I had on hand for the smaller 1/8" rings (this wire is just mild steel plated with what appears to be copper, and looks to be about 20ga). To make it just make a section of European 4 in 1 (would work with other variations ie. European 6 in 1 and European 8 in 1 as long as they are not too close to their min. AR) and then lay the weave down so that it is bunched up to its densest lay. Then go along and add in the smaller rings at the point where each opposite facing row is touching (could add some extra rings that run horizontally as well but they would only be there for looks and shouldn't affect the lay of the weave). Once one side is done flip over, rinse, and repeat. (That is if you want the same look, this still works close to the same with only one side done)

Each of the big rings passes though 4 small and 4 large (8 in 1) and each of the small rings passes through 2 large rings (2 in 1).

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European, Japanese, Sheet, Modification

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