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Bore Worm

Weave Description
I stumbled onto this weave while following a tutorial for Turkish Round chain. I posted in the M.A.I.L forums to see if anyone recognized it but no one did, so I've given it a name, and submitted a couple of tutorials on its construction. You should be able to find them in the 'Hybrid Weaves' section soon. :)

The rings are 8mm ID, made from 1.6mm bright aluminium wire. AR is exactly 5.0.

[Ed - related to Reinforced Inverted Round
minimum AR per number of quasi-captives per cell:
1: AR of 5.0 OR AR of 4.7* and AR of 5.0
2: AR of 5.4 OR AR of 5.2* and AR of 5.4
3: AR of 5.7
4: AR of 6.4
5: AR of 7.2
*With one and two quasi-captives per cell, the AR of the cage rings (tripled sets) can be lowered further than the quasi-captives.]

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Chain, Inverted, Variant

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Weave Tutorials
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