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Weave Description
This is a resubmission of Affena. It's a mix between Dragonscale and King's Scale.
Look at the middle stripe. In the King's Dragonscale there is a small ring going in opposite direction than the scale part in every stripe. In Affena there is no smaller ring doing that opposite thing (it's only in every second stripe) - only single small ring going trought one big and one small ring (and the big ring goes in same direction than scales in next stripes). Conclusion: It is a new weave, though it does look very much like King's Dragonscale.
Sizes are 8mm/5.5mm mandrels, 1.2mm copper, A.R. 6.67/4.58.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Sheet, Band, Kinged, Scaled, Modification, Helm

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