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Weave Description
This is a super simple weave, like Dragon Tail, and Helm Chain, this too is one row of Dragonscale. It is very close to the weave Faceted Half Persian 3 in 1, except Shenanigans uses 2 ring sizes, so the rings aren't forced to overlap.

When I made this weave I was altering a Dragonscale patch. A friend I was with, was talking about the restaurant Shenanigans, from the movie Office Space. I couldn't get the word out of my head, and decided it was the perfect name for my new weave.

-Grace Cuplin

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Chain, Scaled, Variant, Helm

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Shenanigans (Preclose Small Rings)
Shenanigans (Preclose Large Rings)

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