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2 in 1 Chain (1-1)
AKA: 1 on 1

Weave Description
This is the 2 in 1 chain (also called 1 on 1). It is the foundation of every chainmail weave. Displayed here are its four principal layouts, the basis for four types of maille connections.

The Japanese style is characterized by connections at right angles, with sheets formed through the use of only the horizontal links.

The European family, which is familiar to most people, utilizes a through-the-eye connection, placing the rings in rows that have a lean. The direction of these rows is often called the grain of the weave.

The Spiral family usually uses 2-1 chains that have been twisted to their limit, and held in place by some other mechanism. The characteristic feature of this family is that each subsequent ring connection has a greater angle than the one preceding it.

The Persian family cannot be fully demonstrated with a 2-1 chain. Shown here is the setup of around-the-eye connections that allows for the Persian family to begin. The true base of this family is Half Persian 3 in 1. This of course is debatable.

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European, Persian, Japanese, Chain, Alpha, Beginner, Mage

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