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Half Persian 3 in 1

Weave Description
Half Persian 3 in 1 (HP3-1, or simply HP3) is a chain weave with a chevron (^)-shaped cross-section giving it two "faces". This is the basic design of the "unbalanced" Half Persian model. In HP3-1, every ring passes up through 1 ring and down through 2 rings (2:1) (or (1:2) if constructed in the opposite manner). Being that it can be made in either of these two configurations, it is said to have "handedness". This is in contrast to balanced Half Persian chains, such as Half Persian 4 in 1 (2:2), which is the same on the top and bottom and has a rectangular cross-section.

HP3-1 is related to other weaves in certain ways:

The weave properly progresses to either of the unbalanced Half Persian 5 in 1/Half Persian 2+3 in 1 (3:2), or Half Persian 4 in 1 Unbalanced (Half Persian 3+1 in 1) (3:1).

Layered expansions of the weave are found in Double Half Persian 3 in 1, and Triple Half Persian 3 in 1. Properly doubling (kinging) all the rings makes it into Half Persian 6 in 2, which curls below an AR of 6.6. A version with all the rings scaled is found in Wellamo.

Apart from the already mentioned Half Persian 3 Sheet 6 in 1, HP3-1 strands are incorporated into other sheets such as:

Certain chain and band variants/modificaitons of HP3-1 include:

Ring sizes:
The minimum AR is below AR of 3.7. Like other unbalanced Half Persian chains, HP3-1 curls if the AR is too low. This occurs below an AR of 3.9. A nice workable range is between 3.9 and AR of 5.0, although larger ARs will work with decent results if a more open look is desired.

The sample displayed uses galvanized steel rings of the following approximate dimensions:
.057" (1.45mm) wire diameter
.272" (6.91mm) inner diameter
AR of 4.8

The wire was wrapped on a 1/4" (6.35mm) mandrel.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

Persian, Chain, Alpha, Beginner

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