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Ribbed Half Persian 3 in 1

Weave Description
This weave is a Half Persian 3 in 1 Sheet with Japanese connections. The optimal ring size for this weave is 16ga 1/4". At this size, the weave will roll easily when bent back, but will brace and become stiff when bent forward. This weave would be great for small armour pieces that you need lightweight but strong. Therefore, this is an exception to the rule of armour needing to be heavy to be functional. However, anything made in this weave needs to be bent backward all the way through because it tends to warp if laid flat.

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Persian, Sheet, Modification

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Ribbed Half Persian 3 in 1 Sheet, front view (4.4 AR) Ribbed Half Persian 3 in 1 Sheet, back view (4.4 AR) Untitled