Chaotic Helix
Weave Description This weave is the result of me wondering: "What do you get when you cross Jens Pind Linkage with Mobius Ball"? Chaotic Helix is basically a chain of Mobiused 2-in-2 rings. The difference is, when you add a new ring to the previous unit of 2, instead of keeping those two rings smooshed together, you separate them--like starting Jens Pind--and then go through both of them. I used 20g 3/16" stainless steel, and rings with a slightly larger aspect ratio would probably be even better, as this sample is a bit stiff. Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)Chain, Spiral, Variant, MobiusRelated ArticlesNone! please consider submitting one!Random Gallery Items Tagged as using this Weave [Show All]None! please consider submitting one! |