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Crenelated-3 Sheet

Weave Description
A Crenelated sheet weave where each large ring connects to 3 other large rings using the Crenelated pattern. This weave naturally forms pretty little hex stars with the small rings. It also forms a nice flat surface that should be good for coasters, bowl-bottoms, etc. Unlike Crenelated, this weave is stable (ends are secure).
This weave is closely related to Cascade-3 Sheet (Mountain Pools).

Stats (RID=ring inner dia.,MD=mandrel dia.):
small rings-9/64"RID(1/8"MD)x.025 (22ga) 1/2hard Phosphor Bronze (Alloy 510)
large rings-11/32"RID(5/16"MD)x.062 (16ga) hard Bright Aluminum //
metric: small rings-3.6mmRID(3.2mmMD)x.64mm(22ga)
large rings-8.7mmRID(7.9mmMD)x.1.6mm(16ga)

[Also related to Borealis.]

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Sheet, Radial, Inverted, Variant

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