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Byzantine Web Square Cube

Weave Description
Byzantine Web Square Cube is a dimensional weave, which expands in all directions, not unlike Japanese 4 in 1 Cube. The base weave is Byzantine. A weave by Dweezle.

The sample displayed uses bright aluminum rings made from .047" (1.19mm / 18 SWG) wire wrapped on 9/64" (3.57mm), and 15/64" (5.95mm) mandrels. Measured ID's are .159" (3.96mm), (AR of 3.3) and .258" (6.55mm) (AR of 5.5). This combination makes the weave only slightly loose, but you can't go much lower. 3.2 is the minimum aspect ratio for the smaller ring.

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European, 3D, Variant

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