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European 10 in 1 Unbalanced

Weave Description
Extended form of Oops and European 7 in 1 Unbalanced where instead of the rings going through 3 and 1 or 5 and 2 each side, it has bumped up to the next fitting of 7 and 3. All three bear the familiar surface pattern of 2 by 2 rows giving them a very hypnotic sheen. At this ring size of 16swg 7/16" it makes an armor that is approx. 3/8 an inch thick. Seems best at AR of 6.9 although might still work at 6.8 or so, not sure exactly.

This form of weave may be the flattest surface and densest. The quickest way to start is with a 7 in 1. Line up the 7 flat tilted back, then add a closed ring to row with another 7 in 1 connection on opposite side. Repeat adding the 2 rings back and forth to continue the strip of 4 rows. Go between the side rings grabbing 3 to begin growing horizontally. Easier to grow sideways, so for large projects grow vertically first. 1000 rings makes a section of about 6 by 7 inches.

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European, Sheet, Unbalanced, Progression, Variant

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