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Weave Description
Conquer is based on Half Persian 4 in 1. It is made by connecting HP4-1 chains together using European 4 in 1 connections on both the top and bottom of the sheet where the related Half Persian 4 Sheet 6 in 1 only has these connections on one side. Every ring ends up passing through 8 others: 4 in the HP4-1 chain it is a part of, and 2 in each adjacent HP4-1 chain.

Command is an alternate version of the weave with the same connection type between HP4-1 chains except the chains are flipped on their edges.

.048" (1.2mm) stainless steel
25/64" (9.92mm) mandrel
.435" ID
AR of 9.1

The weave is quite flexible in this ring size and can be weaved in lower ARs. Like many other Persian sheets, it expands as a parallelogram.

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European, Persian, Sheet

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Command and Conquer (8.7, 9.1 AR)