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Orbital Hex Cage

Weave Description
Despite being added in 2018, this weave is in no way new. Captive Orbital Hex Cage (COHC) has existed in the weave library since 2003, and this weave is a predecessor to it, in terms of linkages. The tessellation is the same as that found in Japanese 6 in 1, where six nodes come off each connector (despite being divided into three triangles). Cages are devoid of captive rings giving this weave more flexibility than COHC.

Orbital Hex Cage (OHC) has lower AR requirements than COHC and in a single ring size can be weaved at an AR of 6.0 as its approximate minimum. Increasing to an AR of 6.3, adds a fair amount of flexibility.

As with COHC, this weave can also be AR-reduced with the use of multiple ring sizes for the different ring types present. It is possible using the same wire diameter for each ring type to get the orbital rings down to an AR of 5.3.

As with all fully symmetrical hexagonally expanding sheet weaves, other tessellation options are possible. Japanese 4 in 1, and Japanese 3 in 1-based tessellations yield Orbital Square Cage (OSC), and Hour Glass Web ("Orbital Hex Cage Web"), respectively. Incidentally, both of these contain Hour Glass Units, although OHC does not, nor does "Orbital Square Cage Web" which is Japanese 4 in 1 Paired Orbital Square Sheet with the horizontal rings doubled.

.048" (1.22mm) stainless steel
17/64" (6.75mm) mandrel
.303" (7.69mm) ID
AR of 6.3.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

Japanese, Sheet, Radial, Orbital, Variant

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