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Supersonic Waves

Weave Description
This weave has 4 ring sizes, and is tapered large to small in a back and forth pattern. The largest rings go through all of the size rings on either side, and each smaller ring progressively goes through 2 less rings on either side, than the last larger size before it. This example is 4 ring sizes. The XL ring goes through S,M,L,XL. The L ring goes through M,L,XL. The M ring goes through L, XL. The S ring goes through XL. I have successfully done this weave with 3 ring sizes, 5 ring sizes, & 6 ring sizes, though it gets rather tight.

I invented this weave in 2004, I forgot about it until I ran across it in one of my old photo albums in my old yahoo group recently.

Ring sizes
XL 16g SWG 3/8
L 16g SWG 5/16
M 16g SWG 1/4
S 16g SWG 3/16

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Chain, Band, Modification

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