Weave Description This weave is made of a base of Half Persian 3 in 1 with a berus down the middle. Also added in is an additional ring to give more movement in the appearance. Used in this example is a base HP 3 in 1 made from 16 swg 5/16 AA AR:5.2 from TRL. The small rings are 18 swg 1/4 AR:5.5 also from TRL. [Admin note: closely related to Vipera Berus Half Persian 3 in 1, but the Berus is applied differently and has been further modified.] Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)Persian, Chain, Berus, ModificationRelated ArticlesNone! please consider submitting one!Random Gallery Items Tagged as using this Weave [Show All]None! please consider submitting one! |