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Arcadian Sheet

Weave Description
This weave is to Arcadian Chain what Callisto Sheet is to Callisto Chain.

Example is made from 19swg 7/32" stainless steel and bronze, AR of 5.8, and 20swg 5/32" stainless steel, AR of 5.1, rings, all saw cut, all from TRL.

Sample is ~1 1/2" X 1 1/2" (3.8cX 3.8cm), contains 209 individual rings, works out to ~93 rings per square inch. Yep, quite dense, and somewhat stiff, but still has decent movement in all directions -- I would call it "semi-structural". I estimate a piece roughly 6-7" long in this gauge could be wrapped around on itself.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Sheet, Berus, Variant, Helm, Rhino, Mage

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