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Weave Description
Alternately known as a "Knot Tao Flower"

This weave is the combination of two other weaves... Made from just 8 rings, it takes a unit of Universal Triangle, by djgm, which will not actually hold it's shape as a single unit, and locks it in place by sandwiching the 3 radial arms between two rings a la Not Tao 3, by Zlosk, while simultaneously encircling the inner spokes of the möbius. Alternately, it is a Not Tao 3 unit with the three inner connecting rings möbiused. Each side of the weave has a distinct look--one side shows the möbius very clearly, the other side more closely resembles NT3.

Very AR sensitive when made with a single ring ID and gauge at an AR of 5.2. The example is made from 16swg 5/16" saw cut stainless steel rings from TRL. It is totally possible to tweak with rings in multiple gauges and diameters for a slightly different feel, while maintaining the basic shape.

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Japanese, Unit, Variant, Helm, Mobius

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