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Weave Description
Taniyama (or Valley-Mountain) is a three-dimensional extension of Japanese 4in1 where alternating connector rings are secured to each other with smaller rings. This creates an alternating high-low on each side of the chain (the valley and mountain).

This patch is done in 16g 1/4 bronze and stainless, with 18g 1/8 bronze. In the core of the standard Jap 4in1 weave, the 16g 1/4 bronze would represent the "flat" rings and the 16g 1/4 stainless would be the 2in1 connector rings... 18g 1/8 bronze has been added to each set of stainless connectors and further connects with the alternate orientation 18g 1/8 below.

This weave also works well in 20g 1/8 with 24g 1/16 or 9/64.

Original creation date about 2011-2012.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

Japanese, Band, Inverted, Variant, Mage

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