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Weave Description
This weave began life as a three "petal" version of Celtic Rosette 4. It somehow just begged for the addition of another row of "petals", and really fell right into place. It is, essentially, three 2 in 1 Chains, each two links long, each with an orbital, interwoven through one another, each holding the other captive. It can be made with either clockwise or counter clockwise rotation.

Keeping with the floral theme, named after the three petal flower it resembles.

Nice solid piece, of necessity, to hold its shape. The example is made from (9) 16g SWG (.0625") 7/16" saw cut stainless steel rings from TRL, with a measured (by TRL) actual ID of .462", thus an AR of 7.39

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Celtic Rosette 3 (5.5 AR)