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Celtic Rosette 4

Weave Description
This weave is based on the Fireman's Hold 4. Like its inspiration, it is made up of eight rings that are in essence two 2 in 1 Chains woven through one another yet not connected, each holding the other captive. The difference lies in the orientation of the rings creating the "petals" of the bloom--in Fireman's Hold they overlap symmetrically on opposite sides, in Celtic Rosette, each "petal" overlaps the next as they move around the center, and can be constructed with either a clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation. This forces those rings to move from lying in a (roughly) flat plane into what resembles a flower blooming, with rotational symmetry. It also reminds me of Celtic Eternity knots, thus the name. One should, in theory, be able to construct the weave with any number of sides/"petals" (3 and up), odd or even.

The weave is, of necessity, quite tight. The example is made from 18g SWG (.048") 1/4" saw cut stainless steel rings from TRL, with a measured (by TRL) actual ID of .262", thus an AR of 5.46.

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