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Weave Description
This is what happens when one is playing around with Shaggy Loops while trying to figure out how to make Abstain, and end up with something completely different. I called it Archimedes after the famous Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer; among other things, he invented the first screw pump, which is known as Archimedes' Screw.

This weave is similar to Abstain with a 1-1-1 chain as the centre. Rings are added Shaggy Loops-style spiralling down the side, and then secured in place by rings added around the eye of the centre chain and the shaggy ring to lock down the spiral. However, the added rings in Archimedes are not connected 1-1-1 chains as they are in Abstain.

This weave is similar to a spiral version of Three Quarters Persian, but lacks the 6-in-1 connections a true "spiral three quarters persian" would have.

Archimedes is an AR-sensitive weave. The Aspect Ratio needs to be small enough that the around-the-eye links will lock into place rather than moving around freely. An AR below 4 is recommended to minimize the possibility of ring slippage.

The samples in the picture are as follows:
Top: three shades of blue AA with measured ID=4.9mm, measured WD=1.2mm, measured AR of 4.1. This sample exhibits some ring slippage.
Middle: brass with measured ID=4.4mm, measured WD=1.2mm, measured AR of 3.7
Bottom: BA with measured ID=4.0mm, Measured WD=1.2mm, measured AR of 3.3. This sample approaches the lower limits of AR for this weave.

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Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

Persian, Chain, Spiral, Variant, Mage, Mobius

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Archimedes Tutorial

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