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Byzantine Double Knot

Weave Description
The means to do this is very simple. There is no tutorial at present for the Double Knot but if you go to the one for the Minerva it shows the basic construction of folding the rings until you have your knot and then locking them down. The original calls for 4 sets of 2 making a total of 8 rings plus 2 to lock the knot down. The Byzantine Double Knot uses 8 sets of 2 for a total of 16 rings plus 4 rings, 2 per end to lock both down. From there go through the process of making a Byzantine Knot folding from one end and locking it down. After you do this you'll still have 8 rings hanging. Now fold those rings back and lock them down. The picture depicts three Byzantine Double Knots connected together and sandwiched between the double rings at the end.
Rings I used for this were brass rings 20G ID~4.1 WD~.85 AR~4.8

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European, Chain, Modification

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