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Byzantine Ringmaille Zig-Zag

Weave Description
Basically Bastardized Weave or Byzantine Ringmaille, but on the bias (like Bastardized Byzantine Bias) and in alternating directions. Byzantine rings are 3.6mm x 1mm and large connectors are 6.2x1mm.

The connectors aren't lining up properly with these ringsizes, giving them a slight waveform. This could probably be fixed with other ringsizes or wire sizes, though I don't have any others to test with right now.

Another connector ring of the byzantine size could probably be added between two of the large ones, making the weave perhaps seem more solid.

Could probably be done with the ARs used in both Bastardized Byzantine Bias, and Byzantine Ringmaille.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Band, Biased, Modification

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