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Half-Overfull Persian

Weave Description
This Full Persian 6 in 1 variant is basically built on 'Soyuz' weave first (here woven in BA), and then halfways transitioned to 'Overfull Persian' by adding (here colored AA) rings. This transition would be complete, if the AA rings would be added on both sides of the single rings of every cell, and not as shown only at one side, in various possible alternating patterns.

The top and center images show a sample of 'Half-Overfull Persian Symmetric', where (blue) AA rings were added in an alternating pattern around all four sides, in top and 45-degree twisted orientation. The bottom image shows one of other possible variants called 'Half-Overfull Persian Asymmetric', where (violet) AA rings were added only at two sides, in on-edge view.

While this sample is woven from 1.6mm (16swg) 3/8" rings with an AR of ~6.3, the low AR limit is in the 5.5 ballpark. Higher-AR pieces tend (like high-AR Full Persian) to lie flat in 'on-edge' orientation, and the asymmetric ones have even a favored bend direction, so e.g. bracelets orient in a favorable manner.

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Persian, Chain, Variant

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