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Box Chain 4 in 1 (Box)

Weave Description
Box Chain 4 in 1, or simply Box Chain, is European 4 in 1 that is four rows wide with the fourth row connecting back onto the first. A hollow tube of mail is the result. Upgrading to a six row version results in Roundmaille.

Stainless steel rings used:
.063" (1.6mm) wire diameter
5/16" (7.94mm) mandrel
.346" (8.79mm) inner diameter
AR of 5.5

In a single ring size, the weave becomes possible at an AR of 3.8, however it squishes into rectangular arrangements. Starting at around AR of 4.8, the chain has a square cross-section. If the rows alternate between two different ring sizes, a more stable Flat Box Chain is achieved (example 1, example 2 in the gallery).

This tube progresses to Box Chain 6 in 1, which is European 6 in 1-based.

Box Chain cells can be constantly alternated in direction by bolting them together with connector rings, the result of which is Byzantine.

Scaled versions of the chain include Box of Scales, and Flat Box of Scales.

Captivation, reinforcing, and orbiting are viable options for Box Chain due to its hollow cage cell structure.

Some sheet expansions include:

Dimensional expansion is possible with True Box Cube / Hoodoo Cube.

Box Chain can have rings added to the center of its cells, similar to what Overfull Persian, and Shuttle do with Full Persian 6 in 1, which has a similar hollow cell structure. Box can be changed into FP6-1 by reopening each ring and "tucking it in" through the set of rings it otherwise lays against. The AR must be large enough to allow this. A Box Chain can even surround and interconnect to an existing FP6-1 chain which results in B8FP (Sand Worm).

Other variants of Box Chain include:

The term Box itself is used in the name of some square cross-section tube weaves made from other sheet types. Box Chain is the basis behind the tubing concept.

[Topic of 2019, 1st weave study.]

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Chain, Alpha, Beginner

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