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Quad Reinforced Inverted Round

Weave Description
A progression of Reinforced Inverted Round which produces a four-sided version, much like Quad Captive Inverted Round does with Captive Inverted Round. Two ring sizes are required to make this weave.

The weave can be made with any number of "reinforcing captives". The one sampled uses three per cell (segment), and is made with .063" (~16SWG / 1.6mm) stainless steel rings wrapped around mandrels sized 13/32" (10.3mm), and 1/2" (12.7mm). Measured IDs of these rings are .455" (11.56mm), and .557" (14.15mm), yielding an AR of 7.2 for the cage rings, and an AR of 8.8 for the captives. At this ring size, the chain has a little bit of flex.

Using one captive per cell, the weave can be made with rings at an AR of 5.8, and AR of 7.0, if not slightly lower.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Chain, Inverted, Progression, Variant

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