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Captive Zen Sheet Full

Weave Description
Captive Zen Sheet Full is very similar to BlueBuddha's Captive Zen Sheet, except it includes an extra set of orbital rings. By adding these rings, the weave becomes more symmetrical. Three ring sizes are required to make this weave. The sets of orbital rings hold in place a smaller captive ring, and these sections are divided by larger rings.

The sample displayed uses bright aluminum rings made from .062" (1.57mm / 16 SWG) wire wrapped on 13/64" (5.16mm), 9/32" (7.14mm), and 21/64" (8.33mm) mandrels. Measured ID's (and ARs) are .224" (5.69mm) (AR of 3.6), .308" (7.82mm) (AR of 5.0) and .361" (9.17mm) (AR of 5.8). The weave is fairly stiff at this ring size combination.

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European, Japanese, Sheet, Variant, Helm

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