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Weave Description
While experimenting with another weave submission I found something else. This is basically a simple 2 in 1 Chain, and every second of its ring crossings orbited by a Box Chain 4 in 1 cell. Note that this Box element is NOT interwoven with the basis chain, so if only one of its rings is removed, the other three fall away as a three-ring chain segment. If the 'wings' of the Box cells were interwoven with the base chain, Sweetpea would result.

Stats: All rings of the submission piece are BA 1.6mm coiled on 6.0mm mandrel with a final AR of 3.9, what is already near the low AR limit that is at an AR of 3.7. Use of higher-AR rings is not recommended, except you want a floppy piece - but even an AR 5 piece won't fall apart or lose the basic shape. If only higher-AR rings are available, please experiment with kinging of rings - e.g. a piece completely kinged (both base chain and orbital cages) works well at an AR of 6.1.

[editor note: related to 2 in 1 ByzCaptive.]

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European, Chain, Variant

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