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Weave Description
This is another combo weave, like e.g. Pacman based on Harvest Moon's cross connector, but this time coupled by a four-ring segment of 4in2 (kinged 1-1-1 chain). Who remembers weaves Sweetpea or Fieldstone, may notice a somewhat similar look, but it's a different structure.

Stats: 1.6mm BA coiled on 6mm mandrel, measured final ID 6.25mm, AR of 3.9; it's weavable down to AR of 3.7, where it gets stiff, optimum AR range is inbetween 4.0 and 4.5, above that it works as well, but looks a bit too 'open' for my personal taste.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Chain, Variant, Helm

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