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Weave Description
Dragonscale (DS) is two interwoven European 4 in 1 sheets, each having rows of alternating ring size (see Snake Skin). Large rings only pass though small rings. The small ring outer diameter (OD) must be equal to or smaller than the large ring ID. In a single wire diameter, this means an AR difference of not less than 2.0. The weave is also commonly made with a smaller wire diameter for the small rings. This allows a slight AR reduction for the large ring.

.057" (1.45mm) galvanized steel
1/4" (6.35mm), and 3/8" (9.525mm) mandrels
.272" (6.91mm), and .410" (10.41mm) inner diameters
AR of 4.8, and AR of 7.2

This ring size combination makes a sheet with quite a bit of flexibility. Combinations closer to AR of 4.0, and AR of 6.0 are on the low end of practical, in most cases.

Related to the following chain weaves:
Related to the following sheet weaves:
This picture displays the weave at different biases.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

European, Sheet, Scaled, Alpha, Helm

Related Articles

Weave Tutorials
Dragonscale (CGI; Preclose Large Rings)
Dragonscale (CGI; Preclose Small Rings)
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Dragonscale Expansion (Vertical Direction)
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Dragonscale (from CGMaille) (Ex-CGMaille Tutorial)
Joining Dragonscale (Ex-CGMaille Tutorial)

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