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Half Persian 4 Sheet 8 Crossover

Weave Description
This is a Half Persian 8 in 1 weave. It starts with Half Persian 4 in 1 as a base and then continues in a flat sheet. If you follow an individual ring it goes around 2 at its edge and then 4 in the middle and then 2 more at its opposite edge. As with Half Persian 4 Sheet 6 Crossover it transcends 3 rows which gives it the title of Crossover. This weave is similar to Half Persian 4 in 1 Sheet 8. Using a larger AR than HP4-1S8, take the outer row of rings in HP4-1S8 and put them through the second row of rings in the next row of HP4-1 (the row whose angle points toward the first row and not away from it). It needs a really large AR to complete. 16awg with 1/2" id. [Edited for better description]

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Persian, Sheet, Variant

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