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Lady of the Mansion

Weave Description
Lady of the Mansion (Half Persian 3 in 1 and Round)

If Lady of the House is Half Persian 3 in 1 and Box Chain 4 in 1, then Lady of the Mansion is the logical extension of this to Roundmaille.
It's basically four-wide of European 4 in 1 woven into HP3in1. At this aspect ratio, it's a really tight, stable weave with interesting characteristics. It has a very slight spiral on its own, barely 1/4 turn across the six inch sample I did, and REALLY resists bending along the HP 3in1 spine. I really like this one.

This sample of Lady of the Mansion is done in .035 5/32ID and .032 1/8ID brass

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European, Persian, Chain, Variant

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