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Jens Pind Linkage 3x2.5 (JPL3x2.5)

Weave Description
The weaves of the JPL3x family are progressions to Jens Pind Linkage (JPL3), as e.g. Jens Pind Linkage 5x2 is to Jens Pind Linkage 5. They are in fact not only JPL descendants, but also related to Half Persian chains, as if one ring row is removed, a normal HP(x*2)in1 weave is the result - in case of JPL3x2.5 this is Half Persian 5 in 1.

JPL3x2.5 has a roughly triangular cross-section, especially if woven relatively tight. Ring size and AR used for submission example are: 1.6mm BA coiled on 17/32" mandrel, final ID ~15 mm, AR ~ 9.4; what is also near the lower AR limit when the chain is near to be stiff. Higher AR behavior wasn't tested yet, but should be similar to [weave=Jens Pind Linkage 3x1.5], so higher ARs should be avoided, despite the fact that there's no JPL-typical upper AR limit.

Weave Tags (Click to Search Weaves)

Persian, Chain, Variant, Mobius

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