Celtic Rosette 7 (6.3 AR) |
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May 25, 2019, 5:55 pm Last Edited August 15, 2019, 1:57 am |
DescriptionCeltic Rosette 7 is a simple 14 ring unit with 7 basic orbital connections. Each successive orbital connection includes the previous orbital ring, the next of which orbits it, and the following ring. The seven protruding rings are AR-locked into a leaning position, with each slanted similarly, as fan blades do. Since the unit is directional, the protruding rings can face either of two ways and can be accidentally added the wrong way. It is possible at certain ARs to twist them back, but due to the force, it can cause the orbital ring to gap open..080" (2.0mm) aluminum 15/32" (11.9mm) mandrel .507" ID AR of 6.3 Weave(s) Used (Click to View Weave)Celtic Rosette 6Images Tags (Click to Search Gallery)Tag(s): Aluminium, Materials, Progression, UnitWeave(s): Celtic Rosette 6 |