Icy Serpent Straight Sheet |
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Date Uploaded
January 24, 2016, 2:36 am Last Edited February 4, 2016, 2:03 am |
DescriptionIcy Serpent has two sheet forms, alternating and straight.The freehanging rings of Ice Serpent are used as the freehanging ring of the next chain, making this the most regular play progression. In ISAS, the strands are alternating direction, making for a flexible weave, which can shift between a romboid or rectangular progression. The rhomboid shape can be forced by reinforcing the connector cross-section, as the rings are aligned in the shape of the base for Quad Bore Worm. In ISSS, the strands are maintaining direction, making for a stiff weave, which keeps a stable rectangular shape. Image AR: 6.15 Weave(s) Used (Click to View Weave)Captive Orbital Triangular SheetImages Tags (Click to Search Gallery)Tag(s): Materials, Modification, Progression, SampleWeave(s): Captive Orbital Triangular Sheet |