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September 30, 2007, 10:23 pm Last Edited December 20, 2012, 3:47 am |
DescriptionMy first try at a hanging candle holder. It’s made out of 1.5mm copper wire with a 9.5mm ID. The weaves used are: the loop is HP4in1, the hanger rope is Roundchain 6in1, the candle connectors are Spiral 4in1, the cup holder is HP3in1 connected to Jacob’s Ladder and again to HP3in1. The base of the cup is a European expanding circle with too few rings to determine xin1. Maybe 6in1 expanding. The candle itself comes in an aluminum cup that sits inside the maille holder.Note on the cup holder: it started as a HP3in1 sheet 5 gone bad. It curls very sharply at the middle outwards, causing the lip to be very tight. Weave(s) Used (Click to View Weave)Half Persian 3 in 1, Half Persian 4 in 1, Jacob's Ladder, Roundmaille 6 in 1, Spiral 4 in 1Images Tags (Click to Search Gallery)Tag(s): Accessories, Candleholder, CopperWeave(s): Half Persian 3 in 1, Half Persian 4 in 1, Jacob's Ladder, Roundmaille 6 in 1, Spiral 4 in 1 |