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The 45 Degree Seam Myth
Article © MAIL User: Celtic_Chainman

Alright, I have heard over and over by everyone who does chainmaille that they used the 45 degree seam for this or that. HOWEVER, if that were truly the case, it would take eight pieces at 45 degrees to make a full circle, thus completing the 360 degree whole. This is not the case. I have used an extremely dense weave (European 4 in 1, 14 SWG galv steel, 1/4" ID rings) to illustrate the argument. Refer to the picture below.

Image: chainmaille60degreearticle.jpg

I made the picture very large to illustrate the texture and density of the weave. The weave is not contracted or expanded in any way. It is simple euro 4-1 with the diagonal edges seamed together.

The two smaller triangles are the 45 degree sections. They were built as descending pyramids, 6 rows tall, and 6 links wide at the bottom.

The half section is three of these triangles put together at the edges with a seam row. Now, if it were truly a 45 degree seam, it would take four of these pieces at this density of weave to make a half of an octagon. However, the three pieces make half of a hexagon.

The piece on the top is the finished, totally flat section of 45
degree seams. It only took me six sections to make said circle. Thus, since the seam is not truly 45 degrees, what is it?

Well, do the math.

360 degrees in a circle.
6 pieces in the assembly
60 degrees instead of 45.

So the commonly known 45 degree seam is in fact a 60 degree seam. Hopefully this cleared some stuff up for you. If not, well, now you know a little bit of interesting trivia.
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