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European 6 in 1: 45 Degree Seam [2]
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

There is more then one way to make a 45 degree seam for any European weave, the difference being how consistent the seam itself is with the rest of the weave. There is very little practical difference between seams beyond appearance. These instructions will result in a more pronounced, visible sort of seam. One other thing to note, "45 degree seam" is in fact a misnomer. Any European weave angle formed by decreasing in each row is in fact a 60 degree angle. It's just that in most European 4 in 1 weave there is enough flexibility to let four angles form a flat square. For something more dense, like this European 6 in 1, you will need 6 pieces to form a completely flat sheet.

Step 1- Construct two European 6-1 angles. Note particularly the number of rings on the edge of the angle. It is important to have just this number of rings. (With European weaves above 4-1 you can have differing numbers of rings along the edge.)
Image: 45611.jpg

Step 2- Place an open ring through four rings on one angled piece as shown. It will then be placed through two rings on the second piece and closed. These rings are marked in red. (*Note, the picture is not correct, it shows the ring being placed through two then through four. Either way will work, however if you are using these instructions you should follow the text and make the required change.*)
Image: 45613.jpg

Step 3- This shows the completion of the previous step. The ring you have just closed is marked with red, and the six rings you placed on it are blue.
Image: 45614.jpg

Step 4- This step mirrors what you did in step 2. Were you took four rings from one side and two from the other, you will now take four. rings from the latter side and two from the former. The ring you have just finished in step 2 is marked with red. The ring you are including in this step is brass, and the six rings you are closing it on are marked with blue.
Image: 45615.jpg

After that it's just a matter of moving down to the next connecting row and repeating the instructions.
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