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Japanese 4 in 1 Bra Top
Article © MAIL User: Aderamelech

1) Make three squares of Japanese 4 in 1. Connect them as shown in this picture. It is done as if you were connecting four pieces into a square, but leaving one out.
Image: japbra1.jpg
2) Connect the horizontal rings along the inner edge of the angle to one another as shown.
Image: japbra2.jpg
3) Connect all the way down the angle. Make a second cup and attach it directly to the edge of the first.
Image: japbra3.jpg
4) Unless the Japanese 4-1 you are using is particularly loose, this will give enough contraction to create a cupping effect. (The bra shown is all 16gu, 5/16ID rings.) The denser the weave the better. When finished it runs on a 45 degree bias which contributes to its flexibility.
Image: japbra4.jpg
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