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Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Byzanclean by redpanda. It is a mixture of Byzantine and Helm Chain.
You can find tutorials here (there is more than one tutorial for each weave)

You need two ring sizes for this weave. redpanda also used two different wire diameters.
In this tutorial I'll need two ring sizes, but only one wire diameter:
In the following picture you can see three Byzanclean-chains with the following ring parameters:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_01.jpg

There are two requirements for the two ring sizes:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_02.jpg

Step 1:
Step 2:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_03.jpg

Step 3:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_04.jpg

Step 4:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_05.jpg

Step 5:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_06.jpg

Step 6:
Image: AS_Byzanclean_07.jpg

Feel free to make bracelets, chains, pendants or earrings. You can even add beads and make some sort of romanov chain.
Image: AS_Byzanclean_08.jpg

Weave long and prosper!
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