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Bydand Sheet
Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Bydand Sheet (Bydand by Red1101). It is a variant of Byzantine/Lylo.
If you don't know how to make a Bydand chain, take a look at this tutorial: Bydand

You can weave Bydand with two ring sizes. But if you want to make a sheet you'll need three ring sizes:

In the following picture you can see a piece of Bydand Sheet. You can weave it in two directions (a) and (b).
Image: AS_BydandSheet_01.jpg

For each direction I'll show you two possibilities:

Direction (a) - 1 - Connecting Byzantine chains
Step 1:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_02.jpg

Step 2:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_03.jpg

Step 3:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_04.jpg

Step 4:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_05.jpg

Step 5:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_06.jpg

Step 6:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_07.jpg

Step 7:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_08.jpg

Direction (a) - 2 - ring by ring

Step 1:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_09.jpg

Step 2:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_10.jpg

Step 3:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_11.jpg

Step 4:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_12.jpg

Step 5:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_13.jpg

Step 6:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_14.jpg

Direction (b) - 1 - Connecting Byzantine chains

Step 1:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_15.jpg

Step 2:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_16.jpg

Step 3:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_17.jpg

Step 4:
Image: AS_BydandSheet_18.jpg

Direction (b) - 2 - Connecting Byzantine chains

Step 1:

Weave long and prosper!
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