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Bydand Sheet
Article © MAIL User: Catweazle
If you don't know how to make a Bydand chain, take a look at this tutorial: Bydand
You can weave Bydand with two ring sizes. But if you want to make a sheet you'll need three ring sizes:
- 1.0 mm / 3.5 mm (AR of 3.5) (brass)
- 1.0 mm / 5 mm (AR of 5) (V2A)
- 1.0 mm / 8 mm (AR of 8) (bronze)
In the following picture you can see a piece of Bydand Sheet. You can weave it in two directions (a) and (b).

For each direction I'll show you two possibilities:
- 1 - Connecting Byzantine chains
- 2 - ring by ring
Direction (a) - 1 - Connecting Byzantine chains
Step 1:
- Make a Bydand chain. (As you can see, you'll need the large rings for connecting the Byzantine chains.)
- Please keep in mind that in a Bydand chain you always have ring pairs. But you want to make a sheet. So the lower row of bronze rings has ring pairs, but the upper row doesn't, because this is the place where you have to add the next row. Those rings will be doubled later.
- Make a few small Byzantine chains out of the small and the middle sized rings.

Step 2:
- Open a large ring in your Bydand chain and add two small rings of an additional Byzantine chain. But make sure that they're on the correct side.
- Close the large ring and double it.

Step 3:
- Open the neighbouring large ring and pull it also through the new Byzantine chain.
- Before you close it, add another Byzantine chain.
- Close the ring and double it.

Step 4:
- Repeat step 3 until you reach the end of the row.
- Now you have successfully connected the lower Byzantine cage to your Bydand chain.

Step 5:
- It is up to you whether you want to add a pair of small rings to the large rings in this step (left) or later (right).

Step 6:
- Connect the upper Byzantine cages with large rings. Don't forget to double them.
- If you have added the two small rings to the large rings in step 5, don't forget to connect them with the large rings from this step, too.

Step 7:
- If you haven't added small rings in step 5, it is time to do it now.
- Now you have made a Bydand Sheet.

Direction (a) - 2 - ring by ring
Step 1:
- Add two small rings to the large ring pairs on the outside and four small rings to the large ring pairs inbetween.

Step 2:
- Connect two small ring pairs with one small ring - don't double it.
- Make sure that the small ring pairs are from different large ring pairs.

Step 3:
- As you can see, the small rings from step 1 are laying horizontally (more or less)
- Now you have to add a middle sized ring to the small rings at the top. This new ring has to be parallel to the small ring from the last step.

Step 4:
- Now repeat step 2.
- The middle sized ring has to lay between the small rings from step 2 and this step.

Step 5:
- Here comes the tricky part ... double the middle sized ring.
- It is difficult, but is is easier than first adding a second middle sized ring and then a small ring.

Step 6:
- Add a Byzantine cage out of small rings to every pair of middle sized rings.
- This picture should look familar. Now go on with step 5 of the first part (Direction (a) - 1 - Connecting Byzantine chains)

Direction (b) - 1 - Connecting Byzantine chains
Step 1:
- Just imagine you've made a Bydand Sheet and you want to make it longer.

Step 2:
- Add a large ring to a Byzantine box and add another Byzantine chain.
- Close the large ring and double it.

Step 3:
- The next large ring has to be pulled through - all in all - four Byzantine cages.
- Close the ring and double it.

Step 4:
- Repeat step 3 until you reach the end of the row.
- Don't forget to connect two large ring pairs with two small rings.
- Now you have successfully added a new line of short Byzantine chains.

Direction (b) - 2 - Connecting Byzantine chains
Step 1:
- It just happens that this way is identical to the second part of my tutorial for Bydand. So, please, take it from there. :-)
Weave long and prosper!
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