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Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Bydand by Red1101. It is a variant of Byzantine/Lylo.

By the way ... "Bydand" is the motto of the Scottish Clan Gordon and of the Gordon Highlanders, a British infantry regiment that existed from 1881 to 1994.

I have used two ring sizes:

I will show you two ways of weaving bydand:

A - Connecting byzantine chains
Step 01:
Image: AS_Bydand-01.jpg

Step 02:
Image: AS_Bydand-02.jpg

Step 3:
Image: AS_Bydand-03.jpg

Step 4:
Image: AS_Bydand-04.jpg

Step 5:
Image: AS_Bydand-05.jpg

Step 6:
Image: AS_Bydand-06.jpg

Step 7:
Image: AS_Bydand-07.jpg

Step 8:
Image: AS_Bydand-08.jpg

B - ring by ring
Step 01:
Image: AS_Bydand-09.jpg

Step 02:
Image: AS_Bydand-10.jpg

Step 3:
Image: AS_Bydand-11.jpg

Step 4:
Image: AS_Bydand-12.jpg

Step 5:
Image: AS_Bydand-13.jpg

Step 6:
Image: AS_Bydand-14.jpg

Weave long and prosper!
Original URL: