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Gryphon & Gallifrey
Article © MAIL User: Catweazle

This is a tutorial for Gryphon and the Gryphon-variant Gallifrey (both by Artefacts).

I've used 2 different ring sizes for this tutorial:
Brass: WD=1.6 mm & ID=8 mm =] AR of 5
Bronze: WD=1.2 mm & ID=5 mm =] AR of 4.2


Step 01:
Start with a 1-2-1 chain (brass-bronze-brass).
Image: AS_Gryphon_01.jpg

Step 02:
Add a brass orbital ring around the bronze rings.
Image: AS_Gryphon_02.jpg

Step 03:
If you put the workpiece down, the brass rings are lying like roof tiles (a).
Now add two bronze rings to the second but last brass ring (b). Make sure that these bronze rings are positioned like an arrowhead.
Image: AS_Gryphon_03.jpg

Step 04:
Turn the workpiece around (a) and add a brass ring through the bronze rings which you've added in step 3 (b).
Image: AS_Gryphon_04.jpg

Step 05:
Again turn the workpiece around and repeat steps 3 and 4 until you've reached the desired length.
Image: AS_Gryphon_05.jpg

In the following picture you can see the weave from the top and from the side.
Image: AS_Gryphon_06.jpg

Don't worry, if you have only one wire gauge. In the picture below I've used a WD=1 mm.The small rings have an ID=4 mm (AR of 4) and the large rings have an ID=6.25 mm (AR of 6.25).
The white arrows point to ring pairs that don't look like arrowheads. Sometimes this happens while bending the chain. And therefore bending the chain is also the solution to this small problem. ;-)
Image: AS_Gryphon_12.jpg


Gallifrey is a variant of Grpyhon which uses the same ring sizes as Gryphon.

Step 01:
Weave a Gryphon-chain.

Before you move on, take a closer look at your chain.
- The brass rings are overlapping each other and form eyes (a).
- The additional bronze rings have to go around the eyes (b).
Image: AS_Gryphon_08.jpg

Step 02:
Pull two bronze rings around every eye (green) in your Gryphon-chain. One on every side of the bronze rings from the original Gryphon-chain.
Image: AS_Gryphon_09.jpg

Your result should look similar to the picture below.
Image: AS_Gryphon_10.jpg

Weave long and prosper!
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