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Full Persian 6 in 1: Composition; Progression; Variants; Modifications; Sheet Expansions
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Full Persian 6 in 1: Composition; Progression; Variants; Modifications; Sheet Expansions
Article © MAIL User: Chainmailbasket_com
This article offers a detailed look at one of the most popular and versatile chain weaves, Full Persian 6 in 1 (FP6-1). As of the publishing of this article, it is the third most favourited weave in the M.A.I.L. library, and has the fifth highest number of associated gallery images with close to 400.
Note: All aspect ratio information in this article is based on measured wire and measured inner diameters.

Full Persian 6 in 1
AR of 5.8
Being from the Persian family, FP6-1 has through the eye (TE), and around the eye (AE) connections. It is a cell-structured chain with each one containing four rings (4-4-4-4 continuation). Each face of the chain displays two lean rows that mirror each other. The lean direction is reversed on adjacent sides. This is described as the weave's grain.

Roots via Expansion
Four-sided Full Persian 6 in 1 reduces to two-sided Half Persian 3 in 1. Likewise, HP3-1 can be expanded into FP6-1. Three-sided Three Quarters Persian (3QP) is the midway point between the two.

Half Persian 3 in 1 -> Three Quarters Persian -> Full Persian 6 in 1, three cells of each.
AR of 5.5
Development from Transformation
FP6-1 is similar to Box Chain 4 in 1, which is four-sided European 4 in 1. If the AR allows it, Box can be transformed into FP6-1 using the "tuck" method. This involves reopening each ring and inserting it through the next ring pair it otherwise leans against on the outside edge of the chain.

European 4 in 1 -> Box Chain 4 in 1 -> Full Persian 6 in 1
AR of 5.5
Naturally Unbalanced Progression
Full Persian 6 in 1 progresses naturally to Full Persian 10 in 1, then Full Persian 14 in 1 (not in weave library).
FP6-1 derives from the naturally unbalanced Half Persian 3 in 1, and the next naturally unbalanced Half Persian chain is Half Persian 5 in 1/Half Persian 2+3 in 1, which fills out as Full Persian 10 in 1 after its third and fourth side are applied. Then, Half Persian 7 in 1 expands into Full Persian 14 in 1.
Half Persian | up/down ratio | Full Persian | up/down ratio |
Half Persian 3 in 1 | 2:1 | Full Persian 6 in 1 | 4:2 |
Half Persian 5 in 1 | 3:2 | Full Persian 10 in 1 | 6:4 |
Half Persian 7 in 1 | 4:3 | Full Persian 14 in 1 | 8:6 |

Full Persian 6 in 1
AR of 5.8

->Full Persian 10 in 1
AR of 9.4

->Full Persian 14 in 1
AR of 12.5
Unnaturally Unbalanced Progression
FP6-1 itself is not unnaturally unbalanced, but it is the furthest unbalanced of the (standard) FP6-1s, of which there is only one. Therefore it must progress to the next, unbalanced FP (8 in 1): Full Persian Gobi Chain, which further progresses to Full Persian 10 in 1 Unbalanced.
Half Persian | up/down ratio | Full Persian | up/down ratio |
Half Persian 3 in 1 | 2:1 | Full Persian 6 in 1 | 4:2 |
Half Persian 3+1 in 1 | 3:1 | Full Persian Gobi Chain | 6:2 |
Half Persian 5 in 1 Unbalanced 4:1 | 4:1 | Full Persian 10 in 1 Unbalanced | 8:2 |

Full Persian 6 in 1
AR of 5.8

Full Persian Gobi Chain
AR of 9.1

Full Persian 10 in 1 Unbalanced
AR of 12.5
Numerical Progression
FP6-1 numerically progresses to Full Persian 8 in 1. The behaviour of these chains differ significantly since FP8-1 is based on the balanced Half Persian 4 in 1 chain. It doesn't end up with smooth flexibility. The next step in progression after that is Full Persian 10 in 1.
Half Persian | up/down ratio | Full Persian | up/down ratio |
Half Persian 3 in 1 | 2:1 | Full Persian 6 in 1 | 4:2 |
Half Persian 4 in 1 | 2:2 | Full Persian 8 in 1 | 4:4 |
Half Persian 5 in 1 | 3:2 | Full Persian 10 in 1 | 6:4 |

Full Persian 6 in 1
AR of 5.8

Full Persian 8 in 1:
AR of 8.3
For more information on balanced and unbalanced Persian weaves, refer to Half Persian Weaves: Balanced; Unbalanced; and Sheet Progressions.
Eye Position Adjustments
Understanding the Persian Family explains how Full Persian - Dense is made by shifting where the AE and TE connections are made. It is significantly less forgiving than standard Full Persian 6 in 1, and requires ARs above 9.0 for any kind of flexibility to be present. Full Persian 6 in 1 Grizzly (FP6-1G) is the midway point between the two. FP6-1G can be started from a strand of Three Quarters Persian, but the middle row of rings must be forced against their will to the opposite side of where they naturally rest as the fourth side awkwardly finishes the chain.

Full Persian 6 in 1 Dense (Full Persian - Dense)
AR of 9.1

Full Persian 6 in 1 Grizzly
AR of 6.5
Ring Size Altering
Full Persian 6 in 1 graduates very well due to its refined cell structure. This example maintains a similarly low AR, but steps up the wire diameter with each successive cell.

Graduated Full Persian 6 in 1
Further examples of graduated FP6-1 are found in the gallery:
Anodized niobium earrings
Brass, bronze, and nickel silver
Niobium Necklace and earrings set
Sterling Silver earrings
Aluminum bracelet
For more information on graduation in general, please refer to the article: Graduation / Graduated Maille.
Using 2 ring sizes allows a flatter FP6-1 chain. This is commonly done with Box Chain 4 in 1, which in its case also improves structural stability. Flat FP6-1 exists in the weave library as Full Persian Square. As the AR of the large ring increases, so must the small ring. The 5.3/6.6 sample has much more flexibility than the 5.3/7.9.

Flat Full Persian 6 in 1:
AR of 5.3, AR of 6.6

AR of 5.3, AR of 7.9
Persiantine is a segmented version of Full Persian 6 in 1, in which cell pairs alternate grain direction via "Byzantisation" (see Byzantine). Two cells are required to pull this off, as only one cell of FP6-1 is in fact a single cell of Box Chain 4 in 1 since there would be no other way to introduce the Persian stitch. Persiantine facilitates dimensional expansion in the form of Persiantine Web Square Cube.

AR of 5.1

Persiantine Web Square Cube (singled connectors)
AR of 4.4, AR of 6.1
If two additional faces are added to Full Persian 6 in 1, the product is six-sided Hilt Chain/Half Persian 3 in 1 Column which requires an AR increase of at least 1.0 over FP6-1's minimum to pull off.

Hilt Chain 6 in 1:
AR of 7.2
Four Quarters Persian is an extension of Three Quarters Persian that adds a fourth side to the chain. Unlike with Full Persian 6 in 1, the fourth row does not connect back onto the first. This is not a Full Persian weave, but closely related. Continual addition of sides makes 5QP, 6QP, etc. until eventually Full Persian Sheet Chain is reached. It doesn't necessarily have a predefined boundary, and Eight Quarters Persian (8QP) in a snug AR represents it here.

Four Quarters Persian:
AR of 5.5

Full Persian Sheet Chain (Eight Quarters Persian):
AR of 6.6
Sheet Expansions
Full Persian 6 in 1 can be "chain sheeted" in several ways. Most of them integrate rows of one FP6-1 chain into the next one. This first example, Standard Full Persian 6 in 1 Sheet has no integration and simply uses connector rings to bolt FP6-1 chains together. Another example of this weave can be found in the gallery here.

Standard Full Persian 6 in 1 Sheet
AR of 5.4 FP6-1
AR of 3.1 connectors
Standard Alternating Full Persian 6 in 1 Sheet uses the same simple bolting pattern as the example above but the grain direction reverses with each FP6-1 chain.

Standard Alternating Full Persian 6 in 1 Sheet
AR of 5.4 FP6-1
AR of 3.1 connectors
Yet Another Full Persian Sheet has each FP6-1 chain facing opposite directions. The alternating lean of the otherwise "horizontal" lean row rings in each chain facilitate a simple mirrored 1-1 connection on each side of each cell. These added connections make these rings 8 in 1, while the vertical ones remain 6 in 1.

Yet Another Full Persian Sheet
AR of 7.6
Full Persian 6 in 1/European 4 in 1 Sheet is much like Yet Another..., except a full TE, European 4 in 1 connection connects each cell. This produces a thick weave containing two mirrored E4-1 sheets. It also makes all the E4-1 rings 10 in 1, while each vertical ring retains its 6 in 1 status.

Full Persian 6 in 1/European 4 in 1 Sheet
AR of 7.9
Full Persian Sheet takes FP6-1/E4-1Sheet one step further and makes the "horizontal", leaning rings 12 in 1 by also having each of them connect to one of the vertical rings in each adjacent FP6-1 chain.

Full Persian Sheet
AR of 7.9
Doubling every ring in Full Persian 6 in 1, and increasing the AR accordingly yields Full Persian 12 in 2.

Full Persian 12 in 2:
AR of 9.1
Despite its name, Double Full Persian 6 in 1 is not properly kinged. It involves a layering process and is actually a 12 in 1 weave.

Double Full Persian 6 in 1:
AR of 9.9
Scaling takes ring instances in a weave and replaces them with two rings where the outside diameter of the smaller ring is less than or equal to the inner diameter of the larger one allowing it to nest inside. In the same wire diameter, this requires an AR difference of not less than 2.0, and it’s best to stay close to this without going under. Full Persian Scales scales every ring in FP6-1, and Karelian does this to ring sets along one grain.

Full Persian 6 in 1 Scaled (Full Persian Scales):
AR of 7.4, AR of 9.5

Full Persian 6 in 1 Half Scaled (Karelian):
AR of 7.3, AR of 9.4, AR of 6.7
Full Persian 6 in 1 is ideal for captivation due to its hollow cell structure, similar to candidates such as Box Chain 4 in 1, and Inverted Round. Smaller captive rings are recommended for Captured Full Persian, otherwise very large rings are required.

Captive Full Persian 6 in 1:
AR of 7.4 FP6-1
AR of 5.9 captive rings
Orbital Full Persian 6 in 1 (OFP6-1) has an orbital ring around each connection point between FP6-1 cells, but they must be fairly large and are ring size specific. Too small and the rings will gap at the closure. Too large and they will float around too much. Another way to add orbital rings to FP6-1 is to make the chain with each cell alternating in ring size, with the orbital rings encircling the smaller cells. I refer to this version as "Orbit Full Persian 6 in 1", with its naming convention coming from the type of rings found in the Orbit chain.

Orbital Full Persian 6 in 1:
AR of 5.8 FP6-1
AR of 7.7 orbital rings

Orbit Full Persian 6 in 1:
AR of 5.0, AR of 6.8 FP6-1
AR of 7.8 orbit rings
Both captive and orbital rings can be applied to FP6-1 to produce "Captive Orbital Full Persian 6 in 1". One of these chains is rather prominent in the picture of sakredchao's Persian Family Tree.

Captive Orbital Full Persian 6 in 1:
AR of 5.8 FP6-1
AR of 4.2 captive rings
AR of 7.9 orbital rings
Fire Wyrm is FP6-1 with reinforced rings passing through each cell. An alternate version of this where in each successive cell the reinforced rings pass through the other sets of FP6-1 rings is Ice Wyrm. The more symmetrical Wind Wyrm has more connection points and requires a greater AR. Its alternate version is Earth Wyrm. Refer to Reinforced Weaves for further information.

Fire Wyrm:
AR of 7.0

Ice Wyrm:
AR of 7.4

Wind Wyrm:
AR of 7.9

Earth Wyrm:
AR of 7.9
B8 (Box Ate)
The concept of surrounding a Full Persian 6 in 1 chain with an interconnecting Box Chain 4 in 1 results in a thick, sleek chain called B8FP (Sand Worm) Box Ate Full Persian. B8FP6-1 has two tutorials on M.A.I.L. and each one produces a different chain. Standard B8FP6-1, as seen in the weave entry sample picture has the rings in the Box Chain leaning in the opposite direction as those in the FP6-1. The CGI tutorial demonstrates the "alternate" way of producing the chain which has all rings slanted similarly with a slightly higher AR required to do so. In an even higher AR, it is possible to shift the connection points of the FP6-1 chain through which each Box ring passes to one cell previous. This gives the weave a different look. "B8FP6-1 Too" is the result.

B8FP6-1 (B8FP (Sand Worm))
AR of 7.0, AR of 7.1

B8FP6-1 Alternate
AR of 7.4

B8FP6-1 Too
AR of 7.9
Locked B8FP was introduced on the message board in 2011, but not submitted to the weave library until 2018.

Locked B8FP
AR of 9.1
"B8ing" can be performed on other Full Persian chains, such as Full Persian 6 in 1 Grizzly, Full Persian - Dense, and Full Persian 6 in 1 Gridlock, and even Roundmaille can similarly eat Hilt Chain as RM8HC.
Flat Full Persian 5 in 1 Chain is closely related to Full Persian 6 in 1. It is a 5 in 1 weave because it has a combination of Half Persian 3 in 1, and Half Persian 2 in 1 connections. The HP2-1 in question is not the same as the weave with the entry having that name, but rather the one depicted in the sample picture for 2 in 1 Chain.

Flat Full Persian 5 in 1 Chain
AR of 5.7
Full Persian Spiral forces FP6-1 to spiral by altering the connections in the chain consistently in the same direction. The Alternate Twist version displayed below is not in the weave library and links to a gallery image. The added connections make these into 8 in 1 weaves.

Full Persian Spiral/Double Half Persian Spiral
AR of 6.5

Full Persian Alternate Twist
AR of 6.6
Cross-Eyed Persian, and Alternating Cross-Eyed Full Persian 6 in 1 have one simple, directional connection added to half the rings making them 7 in 1. The other grain remains 6 in 1. The alternating version switches direction with each cell. Double Crossed Persian applies the connection to the rings in both grains and is a 7 in 1 chain with optional alternating versions also possible.

Cross-Eyed Persian
AR of 6.3

Alternating Cross-Eyed Full Persian 6 in 1
AR of 6.3

Double Crossed Persian
AR of 6.6
Overfull Persian (5-5-5-5 continuation) is Full Persian 6 in 1 (4-4-4-4) with one additional ring in the center of every cell, alternating on which grain they occur. Half-Overfull Persian (4-4-4-4) strips one ring off the outside of each cell of Overfull FP6-1. Shuttle (6-4-6-4) adds two additional rings to the center of every other cell of FP6-1, while Half Shuttle (5-4-5-4) has one ring added to the center of every other cell, with each of these added rings in the same grain.

Overfull Persian
AR of 6.0, AR of 5.9

Half-Overfull Persian
AR of 6.0, AR of 5.9

AR of 6.3

Half Shuttle
AR of 5.6
Cell Division
One and a Half Persian (1.5P) alternates its cell structure between 4-ring Full Persian 6 in 1 cells and single pairs of rings that lie perpendicular to each other (4-2-4-2). One Hour Less Sleep is the same weave, except the rings between each FP6-1 cell are doubled. Gemini alternates the direction of each cell in 1.5P. Soyuz is closely related to 1.5P but instead of alternating between 4-ring FP6-1 cells and 2-ring connector cells, each cell has 3 rings (3-3-3-3).

One and a Half Persian
AR of 5.0

One Hour Less Sleep
AR of 5.8

AR of 5.1

AR of 5.7
Shuttle (6-4-6-4) led to the discovery of a new variant that simply shifts the position of, and layers the ring pairs in its 4-ring cells. It is closely related to Three Hours Less Sleep/Full Persian 6 in 2 (3HLS), which balances each cell with 5 rings (5-5-5-5). Comparing these weaves is a progression of comparing One and a Half Persian (4-2-4-2) and Soyuz (3-3-3-3). The new (6-4-6-4) variant was dubbed "Two and a Half Persian".
Weave | Cell Continuation | Weave | Cell Continuation |
One and a Half Persian | 4-2-4-2 | Soyuz | 3-3-3-3 |
Two and a Half Persian | 6-4-6-4 | Three Hours Less Sleep | 5-5-5-5 |
Three and a Half Persian | 8-6-8-6 | Four Hours Less Sleep | 7-7-7-7 |
This added ring layering is similar to that experienced with Trizantine (6-2-6-2) and Byzantine (4-2-4-2) from the European side of things.

Two and a Half Persian
AR of 7.4

Three Hours Less Sleep
AR of 7.6
Two Hours Less Sleep (2HLS) is a contraction of 3HLS, stripped of one of the outside rings of each 3 ring set of each cell. This results in a zigzag appearance from the lean direction changing with each cell on both grains of this now "Staggered" Full Persian 6 in 1 chain.

Two Hours Less Sleep
AR of 7.1
Full Persian 6 in 1 Gridlock has half FP6-1 grain, but on the opposite faces, the rings in each cell alternate between a stacked pair, and an offset, sandwiching pair, ala One and a Half Persian. Leviathan is an extension of FP6-1 Gridlock that adds an additional set of 2 rings per cell on opposite sides of the outside of the chain. This comes at the expense of a much higher required AR.

Full Persian 6 in 1 Gridlock
AR of 5.8

AR of 7.9
Elven Roped
Full Persian Elven Rope applies Dark Elf, a.k.a. Elven Rope connections along one grain of an otherwise Full Persian 6 in 1 chain. Full Persian Elven Twist applies it to both grains. Similar to Full Persian 6 in 1 Gridlock, were its layered rings angled and interconnected instead.

Full Persian Elven Rope
AR of 5.7

Full Persian Elven Twist
AR of 6.3
Differing Grain
Assyrian, Enceladus Chain, and Yucca Chain have FP6-1 on one grain, and a layered arrangement on the other. If the center layered rings in every other cell were removed from Assyrian, the result would be Full Persian 6 in 1 Gridlock which is what Enceladus would be if the singled, layered rings of every other cell were doubled. Yucca Chains opposing grain is that of Two and a Half Persian.
- Assyrian combines FP6-1 and Three Hours Less Sleep (or Two and a Half Persian).
- Enceladus combines FP6-1 and One and a Half Persian.

AR of 7.2

Enceladus Chain
AR of 5.4

Yucca Chain
AR of 5.6
The following table lists five FP6-1 variants that have FP6-1 on one grain and something different along the other:
Selections From the Gallery:
FP6-1 Cube
FP6-1 Heart
Micromaille FP6-1
Persian Family Tree
FP6-1 Dragonfly with Helm Chain wings
Render of FP6-1 made of FP6-1 chain hoops
Further Reading:
Understanding the Persian Family
Modifications of Persian Weaves
Full Persian Variations
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